

The WallPlanter system, is a sustainable green facade that combines numerous Green Screens into a network of specially designed planters. These planters hold fully-established hedge screens and are attached to the outer layer of buildings. Here’s what you need to know:

Instant Greenery: A WallPlanter facade provides immediate natural foliage impact from Day One. The aluminum planters come pre-planted with mature green screens, ready for action.

Low Maintenance: Thanks to smart automated irrigation and drainage systems, WallPlanter installations become self-sufficient for water and nutrients. They require minimal maintenance.

Environmental Impact: The dense foliage within the WallPlanter system filters the air in busy urban areas, improving air quality and removing harmful pollutants from the surroundings.

Biodiversity Enhancement: WallPlanters contribute to biodiversity by providing habitat for insects like bees. These insects play a crucial role in pollination and contribute to the reproduction of flora.

Other Benefits: WallPlanters enhance real estate value, have an insulating effect, and can prevent graffiti.

In summary, WallPlanters not only beautify buildings but also promote sustainability and well-being.

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